workeliseo's roomblog
Picture of Eliseo's face

hey there!

i'm, but my friends call me e.j.! welcome to my personal site.

i wanted this to be as comfy as my room, where my friends and i would hang out(hence the name), so please make yourself at home!

without further ado; a few things about me...

Picture of laptop screen with code on it

i'm a web developer

  • with skills in:
    • html
    • css
    • javascript & typescript
    • react.js
    • next.js
    • & more (hello, fellow command line nerds)

the internet pervades every industry in modern-day life & i'm excited to make an impact on it!

Picture of Eliseo throwing a roundhouse kick

i'm a martial artist

perennial effort towards growth has lead me to a systems-style of thinking that has impacted the rest of my life.

this has lead to not only efficiency & efficacy, but also adaptability & resiliency in everything i do.

~10 years of experience across muay thai, boxing, and jiu-jitsu; and judo is next!

Picture of books taken by yours truly

i'm a huge nerd

mainly for learning & personal development.

i'm always trying to better myself, my systems, and my principles.

sitting down with a book or a video lecture & taking notes is my favorite way to enjoy an afternoon.

Picture of Eliseo with a flower

thanks for visiting!

if you've looked at my work and want to build something together, or if you've read one of my blog posts and wanted to share some thoughts, please reach out!