workeliseo's roomblog

you've found my secret page!

truth be told, i have a pretty stark hatred for social media; at least for my own personal use.

but, the part of it where you get to share the people and the things you care about is admittedly fun so... here we are!

Picture of my cat, Onion


my cat named onion - he's pretty great

Picture of Waterfire in Providence RI


i remember being mesmerized by the water this night...

Picture of Eliseo's head-kick


bob stood no chance

Picture of my cat and I in a polaroid


me and my son

Picture of two of my closest brothers


these two have been through it all with me; couldn't be more grateful for the people in my life

Picture of Eliseo and family


a beautiful outing with the fam!

Picture of my lovely girlfriend and I


one of those moments where all you can think about is remembering every granule of sensation possible

Picture of my Dad and I


my dad and i at niagara falls